Some Recent News
/Ven. Caganando, Ajahn Jayanto and Jeff Miller in August
Dear Everyone,
Warm greetings from Boston Vihara, where as the traditional reflection has it, “the days have been relentlessly passing” – that is, with our now established routine of pujas, almsrounds, meal offerings and various teaching events. As always, you are welcome to join us for any of these events any time.
Except for the next week. All events are cancelled during this coming week (from Sep. 23–29), as we will be visiting Ajahn Viradhammo and the monks at Tisarana Monastery (and no doubt also paying a visit to Ayya Medhanandi and the nuns at Sati Saraniya Hermitage), the nearest branch monastery of our community, in Perth, Ontario.
As many of you will know, after six weeks of faithful and diligent service helping Ven. Caganando and I as a temporary anagarika (novice/attendant), Jeff Miller flew home to Sebastopol CA at the beginning of the month. Jeff helped enormously in keeping things at the vihara ship shape, and engendering a welcoming atmosphere to all who came during his time here. We wish him all the very best in his practice and life back in California.
Jeff has been ably replaced by John Nishinaga, another California resident who, having worked for a couple of years in Boston has been living at different monasteries for much of the pat year, including having spent the last two months at Abhayagiri before arriving here. Like Jeff, John had asked to take the Eight Precepts as a ‘temporary’ anagarika for the two months he will be here (the usual commitment for anagarikas in our communities being for one year), and shortly after he arrived John undertook the training involved in a traditional ceremony here at the vihara.
John Nishinaga taking the Eight Precepts
We’re working on updating the website and there are a few more events in the pipeline, so we’ll try to send out another message sometime this week with that information. In the meantime, the three of us here at the vihara wish you all the blessings associated with the work of bringing the Dhamma into our lives.
With Metta,
Jayanto Bhikkhu