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Entering Vassa

Last week we were honored to host a gathering of abbots and senior monks from the seven Ajahn Chah associated monasteries in the Americas (we used to refer to the six in North America, but Ajahn Mudito has joined us from a relatively new monastery in Brazil). Our monastic guests for the week included Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko, and Ajahn Cunda from Abhayagiri, Ajahn Sona from Birken, Ajahn Sudanto from Pacific Hermitage, Ajahn Punnadhammo from Arrow River, Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Sirimedho from Tisarana, and Ajahn Mudito and Tan Khemi from Suddhavari. Together with the resident community, that made 23 sangha members staying at the monastery.

That number has now reduced to include just those here for the Vassa, with twelve bhikkhus and Anagarika Andrew, and Joti having returned from Florida. This year Ajahn Narindo has joined us for this period, from Amaravati.