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Summer Update

Warm greetings from the monastery,

Members of the resident sangha have now returned from various spring travels: including journeys to several European monasteries for Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Anando, and Ajahn Chaganando, mainly in order to attend the celebration of Luang Por Sumedho’s 90th birthday at Amaravati, as well as to participate in abbots’ meetings; some family visits; and, for one of the monks, a five-week tudong in New England and New York (walking and wandering while sleeping outside and depending on spontaneously offered alms food).

The Vassa (the traditional monastic “Rains Retreat”) will begin on the 21st, which as always comes the day after the Buddhist full moon day known as Asalha Puja, which this year falls on Saturday, July 20. Please feel free to join us for Evening Puja and a Dhamma Talk, and afterwards a candlelit circumambulation of the Buddha on the Sima Hill, beginning at the usual time of 7 p.m.

This Vassa we should have 12 monks plus Anagarika Andrew, and Joti should be back in her kuti next door after spending time taking care of her mother in Florida. One of the monks will be visiting from Amaravati: Ajahn Narindo, a Dutch monk who has been to Temple once before, for about a month in 2017; and another, Tan Cittapalo, has joined us from Abhayagiri. Two of the monks – Arano and Narado – will be newly minted, with their ordinations scheduled for tomorrow, July 13, as has been posted on the website. Luang Por Pasanno and Ajahn Karunadhammo, as well as Ajahn Cunda, are here for that occasion.

And during the week between the ordination and Asalha Puja, we are honored to host a gathering of abbots and senior monks from the seven Ajahn Chah associated monasteries in the Americas (we used to refer to the six in North America, but Ajahn Mudito has joined us from a relatively new monastery in Brazil). Our monastic guests for the week will include Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko, and Ajahn Cunda from Abhayagiri, Ajahn Sona from Birken, Ajahn Sudanto from Pacific Hermitage, Ajahn Punnadhammo from Arrow River, Ajahn Pavaro and Tan Sirimedho from Tisarana, and Ajahn Mudito and Tan Khemi from Suddhavari. Together with the resident community, that should make 23 sangha members who will be here next week.

There will be no publicly scheduled events during this time; however, most if not all of our visitors should be present each day for the meal offering at 11 a.m., in case you’d like to see any of them. That will be Monday July 15–Thursday July 18.

We wish you all blessings, as always.