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Spring updates

Ajahn Jayasaro Dhamma Talk & Ceremony – Sunday, May 12

This weekend we are happy to host a visit from Tan Ajahn Jayasaro, who will be giving Dhamma Talks on Saturday evening at the usual time (7 p.m.) and especially on Sunday, at a ceremony organized by Thai supporters to help with the New Sala Project. Ajahn Jayasaro’s public talk will take place as part of the ceremony, and everyone is welcome for that and for any part of the day.

10:45 a.m. – Gather in tent
11 a.m. – Almsround & shared meal
12:30 p.m. – Offering Ceremony & Dhamma Talk
2 p.m. – Finish


After the Winter Retreat ended the community moved into our regular routines once again. This includes Sunday Meditation Workshops from 1–3 p.m. each week. We have been fortunate in having senior monastic visitors during April too, including Ajahn Jotipalo for ten days, and Ajahn Abhinando, the abbot of Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland and an old Dhamma friend of Ajahn Anando and myself, staying for one month. And as it happened, the day after he left, Ajahn Amaro (abbot of Amaravati in the UK) and Ajahn Khemaka (leading nun at Amaravati) visited us for a few days before the retreat they are currently leading at the Insight Meditation Society.

The resident monastic community has been fairly steady, which is usual for the winter period, with Tan Jino returning from Thailand in March, and Ajahn Bhuripanyo moving on this week. We have been joined by a new anagarika, Andrew, who took the Precepts on April 27.

The main projects this year are the usual upkeep tasks, building walking meditation paths and clearing forest tracks, and guiding the process as we move forward with phase one of the new sala project.

We hope you are well, and have chances to visit and share in the peaceful conditions here at the monastery, to support the cultivation of peace within the heart, and in the world.

With metta,
Jayanto Bhikkhu