Upasampada & Pabbajja Ordinations – Sunday, July 2
/Luang Por Pasanno on alms-round at Temple Forest Monastery
On Sunday, July 2 Luang Por Pasanno will be here to preside over a monk’s ordination (bhikkhu upasampada) for Samanera Katañño (a.k.a. Barnes Peterson). And Anagarikas Forest and Nathan will likewise be requesting the Going Forth (samanera pabbajja) into the sangha as novices.
The Sunday Meditation Workshop will therefore be cancelled on July 2. Please feel welcome to attend this auspicious event, and thereby help to welcome the three samanas into their next stage of monastic life. Proceedings begin at 10:45 a.m. with a traditional alms-round and shared meal, or come for the ceremony which should begin at 1 p.m.