Saturday, June 11 – Community Work Day
The sangha invites any able-bodied volunteers to help us with some outdoor work on the grounds of the monastery, mainly with trail clearing in the forest. If you are interested to help with a group working session with the monks in the morning and/or afternoon of Saturday June 11, do mark it in your calendar and plan to come. There will be two sessions, 8–11 a.m. and 1–4 p.m., with a shared meal from 11–12:30 p.m. and tea and Dhamma discussion with the abbots at 5 p.m. for whoever would like to stay on – as well as a Dhamma Talk offered as usual that evening after the evening puja if you would like to stay through until around 9.
The work will involve pruning, raking, removing small trees and clearing brush, and laying woodchips along the cleared trails. Hope to see you here!